
Meet our volunteer staff bringing these programs to your youth.

Program Director

Lisa Scarbrough

Lisa Scarbrough has been running conservation/outdoor ethics programming for the Coastal Georgia Council since 2021, but she’s been involved in Scouting going back to her childhood. Lisa has been a leader in the council since 2016 when her son joined as a Tiger Cub.

Lisa has served as a den leader (every rank except Lions), Cubmaster, asst. district commissioner, council STEM chair, Crew chaplain, Wood Badge staff, and a National Jamboree 2023 Assistant Scoutmaster. She currently serves as the Scoutmaster for Troop 665G out of Rincon, Cub Scouts summer camp director, Scouts BSA summer camp staff, aquatics instructor, and OA NCAP advisor for I-Tsu-La lodge where she is a brotherhood member.

Click here to learn more about Lisa



Assistant Program Director

Eve Gormley

Eve is currently committee chair for Troop 1B, Troop 1G, and Pack 1 family.

I have been involved in scouting since my son was a tiger to think that was just over 8 years ago. I didn’t know where the journey would take us in this organization. I can say I truly love scouting and what this program has to offer. Watching these youth grow and learn.

I love the outdoors though it doesnt always love me. I have always loved animals and nature. I joined my son in attending the 1st Earth tribe with Lisa and loved it so much. This program takes a closer look at what we can do to help and putting that into action.

I look forward to working with you and your scouts through this journey together.



Trey Lee

Heylo, my name is Trey! My home Troop is T301 out of Waycross, Chartered by Scouting for Jesus Christ Ministry.

I have been in Scouting about 25 years; receiving my Eagle Honor in 2009, serving as Cub Master to Pack 301 for 10 years while serving as an Asst. Scoutmaster to the Troop and the Order of the Arrow Founder’s Award recipient. I served as Lodge Chief to Pilthlako Lodge (former) in my youth and have helped in lead and teach several Baloo and OLS trainings in the Okefenokee Area Council and early days of the Coastal Georgia Council. I have been blessed to attend both the World Jamboree (a day) and the 2023 National Jamboree (as an Asst. Scoutmaster).

I have spent over half of my life serving in Scouting as a youth and have been connected for the entirety of my adult life… and I wouldn’t trade any of it!

The Scout Life is the best!